Cupcake Pencil Topper

These cute pom pom cupcake pencil toppers make writing and drawing even more fun.

Skill Level


Time to Make

30 mins

Cupcake Pencil Topper

How to Make

  1. Wrap the pink wool around your fingers approximately fifty times, then trim the end. If your hands are too small, you can use a piece of card instead.
  2. Pull the wool off of your fingers/card, it should look like a big loop Cut a small piece of the same coloured wool and tie it tightly around the middle of the loop in a double knot.
  3. Cut through the loops of wool on either end, then trim it down to make a round pom pom.
  4. Carefully use the scissors to make a pencil sized hole in the bottom of a yellow cupcake wrapper. Repeat this with another cupcake wrapper and stick them together with glue. This will make it slightly stronger.
  5. Put glue into the bottom of the cupcake wrapper, then push the pom pom inside and hold in place until the glue has dried.
  6. Stick a small red pom pom to the top of the cupcake to make the cherry. Then push the pencil through the hole in the bottom of the cupcake wrapper.

Step 1

Cupcake Pencil Topper

Step 2

Cupcake Pencil Topper

Step 3

Cupcake Pencil Topper