Unicorn Eye Mask

Dream of unicorns with this cute and quirky eye mask.

Skill Level


Time to Make

30 mins

Unicorn Eye Mask

How to Make

  1. Lay the sleep mask flat onto a sheet of white felt. Trace around the edges of the sleep mask to get the shape. Remove the sleep mask and draw two triangular ears onto the top of the mask template. Carefully cut out the white felt template. Apply a generous amount of super tacky glue onto the front of the eye mask and stick the felt directly on top.
  2. Cut out 2 triangles out of pink felt that are roughly 3cm along each side. On the same pink felt draw 3 circles that are no bigger than 5cm. Cut these out as well. Stick the pink triangles inside the ears of the white felt unicorn template. Stick the circular cheeks in line with the pink ears along the bottom of the sleep mask.
  3. Draw and cut out 3 rectangles in the blue felt that are 6cm long and 4cm tall. Put one of the rectangles for one side. Take one of the other rectangles and cut away 1cm of felt from the bottom, then grab the other piece of felt and measure it against the piece that was just cut and trim it so it is 1cm smaller than the middle biggest piece. There should now be a staggered stack of felt rectangles. Cut a fringe into each rectangle, making sure to leave plenty of space at the top edge of the felt. Stick the 3 pieces of blue felt together so that they make the unicorns fringe. Glue the fringe between the ears of the unicorn. Leave mask to dry.
  4. Cut out a long triangle from the yellow felt that is 9cm long and 3cm wide. Carefully round off the corners of the horn so that there are no sharp points. Starting at the bottom of the horn, stick down the end of a pink craft ribbon at a downwards angle. Wait for the ribbon to stick to the felt and carefully begin to wrap the ribbon up the horn, glueing down any places that might come loose. Glue the ribbon to the top of the horn and snip off the excess. Stick the finished horn to the middle of the blue felt fringe.
  5. Bend a black pipe cleaner into a circle that is 4cm wide. Cut the pipe cleaner circle in half so that there are 2 semi-circles. Stick each semi-circle on the mask, just inside the cheeks. Make sure the eyes line up in a straight line. To make the eyelashes cut six 1cm pieces of pipe cleaner and position them under the eyes. Stick them down and leave the mask to dry before using.

Step 1

Unicorn Eye Mask

Step 2

Unicorn Eye Mask

Step 3

Unicorn Eye Mask