Medieval Castle

Castles were distinctive and impressive buildings of the Medieval age! After 1066, English castles were made from stone and were very effective as fortresses. Use your creativity to build a 3D model castle! 

Skill Level


Time to Make

1 hour

Medieval Castle

How to Make

  1. Slot 2 matching wooden castle shapes into the supporting base pieces so they stand up.
  2. To make 2 walls for the sides of castle, measure a strip 8cm wide along the long side of a polystyrene sheet. Cut the strip in half to make 2 matching pieces. To make the battlements along the top, start by marking a line 1cm from the edge along both strips using a ballpoint pen. Press down just enough to lightly score into the surface then repeat on the reverse sides of the strips. Mark 1cm intervals from the scored lines to make a series of squares along the edges of both strips. Cut in from the edge of the polystyrene along the scored lines with scissors, it should then be easy to break off alternate squares into the battlement shapes. The left over polystyrene squares can be glued onto the castle for making a brick texture.
  3. To make the castle entrance, glue the inside section from a craft matchbox onto one of the wooden castles, with the open side of the box facing outwards. Cut a piece of polystyrene sheet 5cm x 7cm, draw a doorway, 4cm high, 3cm wide with a pointed top, then carefully cut it out. Use a ballpoint pen to rule a line 1cm from the top edge, score into the surface, then cut and break off 1cm squares to make a crenelated pattern, as for Step 2. Glue around the edge of the matchbox then press the polystyrene door section on top. Leave to dry.
  4. Glue the 2 polystyrene walls between the 2 wooden stand-up castles. Check the assembled castle is standing squarely then leave it to dry.
  5. Place the assembled castle onto a new polystyrene sheet, draw around the base to make a curvy shape, cut it out then glue the castle on top. The extra polystyrene helps make the castle structure more stable. Leave to dry.
  6. Brush over the castle and polystyrene base in a medium grey then leave to dry. Paint windows and other details onto the castle.
  7. To make a landscaped base, cut out a piece of thick cardboard 30cm x 30cm, or make it bigger if you prefer, then cut the edges into curves with strong scissors. Cut 2 or 3 more smaller pieces of curved cardboard and glue them onto the base layer to build up a shallow mound. To make a steeper hill for the castle, make a bigger-sized base with more layers of card, checking the castle has enough space to sit flat on the top.
  8. Cut 8-10 strips of ModRoc 20cm in length. Dip them one at a time into a bowl of water, soak for 30 seconds, squeeze out any excess water then smooth over the cardboard base. Leave to dry. To add rocks or little mounds on the base, scrunch up ModRoc pieces then smooth over the top with your fingers.
  9. Paint the base green, with grey and brown details. Leave to dry then the castle in position on the landscape with dried moss around the edges.

Step 1

Medieval Castle

Step 2

Medieval Castle

Step 3

Medieval Castle